
The School of Government Management held a special lecture on compliance construction

来源: Release time: 2024-07-18 09:44 Number of hits: Views

On the afternoon of July 12, the School of Government Management held a special lecture on compliance construction in Shouzheng Building A214。Party Secretary Chen Wen, Deputy Party Secretary Zhang Guoqiang, Vice President Gu Zhijun, Vice President Wu Haiyan and Vice President Huang Binhuan attended the meeting。Duan Bin, director of the audit office of the school, was invited to attend the meeting and give a lecture on compliance。The meeting was presided over by Deputy Secretary Zhang Guoqiang and attended by all faculty members of the College。

Duan Bin gave a special lecture on compliance construction entitled "Economic Risks and Prevention and Control of secondary school units"。He focused on the prevention and control of economic risks in secondary school units,The importance of information integration and internal control is emphasized,It also pointed out that the colleges should strengthen internal audit, standardize financial processes, improve transparency, and enhance compliance awareness among all members,To better identify and manage economic risks,Ensure financial health and sustainability。Through the analysis of specific cases, the lecture deepened the participants' understanding of the necessity of risk prevention and control, and promoted the construction of the college's compliance culture。

Finally, Chen Wen made a concluding speech, first of all thanked all the staff for their hard work, and also affirmed the recent achievements of the college。He stressed in his speech: First, safety and compliance。Remind all faculty and staff of the college to keep a firm awareness of safety and compliance, avoid penny-wise and pound-foolish in daily work, and ensure the safety bottom line of the college's development。Second, development and upgrading。Encourage faculty and staff to seek breakthroughs in discipline construction, teaching reform and personnel training, cultivate high-quality results by promoting scientific research output, innovative education and teaching methods, and enhance the competitiveness of the college。

In the future, the School of Government Management will closely focus on the school's "14th Five-Year Plan" and comprehensively promote the work of the school to a new level with high-quality party building。

(Source School of Government Management)

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